Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Raising Corn in the Boise Sun

Enjoying the Heat .... not realy ;   How is it that everytime I get away for a few days to take some time out ---- It's just crazy weather.   Enuf of my woes.

So --  getting questions about how the heat is impacting crops.   Corn has hit some real price highs so it's worth more than ever now to look out for any kind of protection or assistance you can put out there to cover yourself.

Most of what I've seen lately in Idaho gives me little concern about the heat.   What you really want to watch out for is curled leaves on your plants.   Thats the first sign.  It is possible to over water corn, so don't think that your doing the right thing by always adding water in the heat.   Just use some common sense and you'll be find.  Corn is a pretty tolerant to heat changes anyway.

When you see silking (the string looking things) begin to grow out ---- the following 2 weeks need to be very careful on adequate water.

How to Shuck Corn

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